What is Shared Object Repository in QTP and How it works? - TestingQ.com

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What is Shared Object Repository in QTP and How it works?

Shared Object Repository:
Shared Object Repository has to be created manually and we can associate to the multiple actions in different Tests.
Whenever any of the object information commonly used in multiple places, then it is always better to create a Shared Object Repository. And you can reuse the same object repository by associating to the actions where it is required. 

Navigation: Resource menu>object repository manager>object>Add objects>show the window/object>click ok 

Adding objects: 
Resource menu>object repository manager>object>Add objects>show the window/object>click ok 

Renaming objects
Resources >object repository manager>file>open>browse path of the repository file >file>enable editing>select object &Right click>choose rename option>modify the name > release mouse>save the file & close repository manager. 

Deleting objects 
Resources >object repository manager>file>open>browse path of the repository file >file>enable editing>select object &Right click>choose delete option>confirm the deletion >save the file & close repository manager. 

Associating objects repositories to an action 
Resources>Associate repositories>click add icon (+)>browse path of the repository>Associate with an action>click ok 

Merging Repositories 
Resources > object repository manager>tools>object repository merge tool >browse path of the first repository> browse path of the second repository>click ok>click close>save the merged repository>close the repository manager. 

Note: After merging also, source repository files will be available, if we do not want source files we can delete.
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