What is Local Object Repository in QTP and How it works ? - TestingQ.com

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What is Local Object Repository in QTP and How it works ?

There are two types of repository available in QTP.
  1. Local repository (.MTR extension)
  2. Shared repository(.TSR extension)
Local Repository: 
Every action in a test will have one local repository (local repository created automatically once you create a new action). The information present in this repository can be used only by that action. Local repository will be created and manged by the QTP itself.

Point to be remembered
  • QTP creates a Local Repository for every action automatically. That cannot be shared among tests.
  • User can add objects to Local repository.
  • User can perform rename, delete operations in local repository. As it is QTP internal file user no need to save modifications.
  • Navigation: Resource menu>object repository (Short cut key Ctrl+R) 
Adding objects
Navigation: open local repository (resource menu>object repository)
>objects>Add objects to Local>show the object>click ok
(No need to save separately, it saves automatically)

It will pop up the below options
·         Selected object only
·         Default object types
·         All objects types
·         Selected object types
(If we select first option it stores Selected objects only, if we select second option it stores all default objects, if we select third option it stores All objects including static objects, if we select fourth option, we have to select object classes then it stores that class objects, we can select more than one class also.)

Renaming objects
Resources > object repository >select object and right click >choose rename option >modify the name>release the mouse.>close repository
Deleting objects
Resources > object repository >select object and right click >choose delete option >confirm deletion>. >close repository

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